Tuesday, January 09, 2007


...encore un autre gars a qui on a envie de fout' des baffes!
Happy joy joy to everybody, for this brand new year 2007!!!


rose-a-petits-pois said...

merci d'etre passe par mon blog... ca m'a permis de decouvrir le tien!!

Tu as un tres joli trait texture! J'aime beaucoup! Je vais repasser plus souvent... ;-)

Unknown said...

Your character drawings are pure fun and brilliant!! beautiful!

mackenzie said...

Looking at your drawings always puts a smile on my face.

Sebastien Gallego said...

Salut Christophe,

Je suis comme toi un expatrié (je bosse pour Disney en Utah en tant que concept artist). Felicitation pour ton boulot. Tu m'as drolement inspire ces derniers temps. Et puis un peu d'humour a la francaise m'a fait beaucoup de bien!
Bonne continuation.
Je reviendrais souvent,


Martin Wittig said...

Happy NEW YEAR!!!--Looking forward to more of your great work in the future!:)

Mark McDonnell said...

Hey Christophe,

I really really love your work and the divirsity of it. You have such a great sense of character and personality in your work.

I would love to hear what you have to say about my work. I have been interested in getting into the animation industry for some time, and have been working hard at aquiring skill levels necessary for the day to day and Dreamworks is on the top of my list. If you have time, I would appreciate it greatly if you could please check out my work and see what you have to say. I am writing on an older post just to keep it away from your new stuff.

Please check out the following sites if you are interested. I would love to get your feedback if you have time.

(Character Design/Development Porfolio)

If you are interested, I also have created the below blogs to exhibit stuff I have created from my current job:

(Stuff from my current job, a DVD Porfolio)

(A smattering of stuff just for fun and posting)

I really appreciate it Christophe,


Boris Andreev said...

Oh, yeah! Oscar Le Batard, I like this one very much. You know how to use your pancil! Well done. Keep it up!

Boris Andreev said...

...sorry... I mean PENCIL, for sure :))